Springfield 1884 trapdoor value 434288
Springfield 1884 trapdoor value 434288

springfield 1884 trapdoor value 434288

Standard markings on lockplate and breechblock. We have some Colt and Winchester parts, and I manufacture the Columbia Precision Tang Peep Sight for lever guns and some single shots. Values for SPRINGFIELD MODEL 1884 TRAPDOOR RIFLE WITH BAYONET. I primarily deal in Lever Action Winchesters and Colt Single Action Army revolvers. We have rifle/pistol ranges, 1000-yard range, 3-gun, cowboy action shooting, trap and skeet, and upland game bird hunting. With two partners, I own Pawnee Sportsmens Center LLC, near Fort Collins, Colorado.

springfield 1884 trapdoor value 434288

Shipping amounts quoted may be changed to the exact cost if requested, and overseas shipping will be charged on specific individual item shipping cost. Shipping is generally USPS Priority, insured.

springfield 1884 trapdoor value 434288

Card fees are 4% with VISA and MasterCard preferred. We will ship to California (which is almost a foreign country!) Layaway is possible for items priced over $2000, with payments including 1/3 down, 1/3 at 30 days and final payment with shipping at 60 days. Foreign sales are possible with proper brokerage, payment (usually credit card) and shipping arrangements. Personal checks are held for two weeks, and discouraged. Cashier's Checks are the preferred method of payment, USPS Money Orders, 2nd choice. This was the final version of the single shot trapdoor rifle and arguably the highest quality weapon in terms of fit and finish, ever produced at the Springfield Armory. An encircled script "P" proofmark is stamped on the underside of the stock behind the trigger guard finial.Prices are generally firm, but some trades are excepted for partial payment. Springfield Model 1888 Trapdoor Rifle Description: Springfield US Model 1888 Trapdoor Rifle in 45-70 Govt. The left side of the stock wrist is stamped with the "SWP/1889" Ordnance final inspection mark enclosed in a rectangle. Discover the valuation of Springfield 1884 'trapdoor' rifle and find its true value.


"US" is stamped on the top of the buttplate heel. Springfield 1884 'trapdoor' rifle has been appraised by a professional specialist. "R" (Rifle) is stamped on the top right side of the rear sight leaf. The breech block is marked: U.S.MODEL1884 Offered in very good condition is this trapdoor cadet rifle in. The demand of used SPRINGFIELD ARMORY 1884 rifle's has risen 5 units over the past 12 months.

springfield 1884 trapdoor value 434288

The demand of new SPRINGFIELD ARMORY 1884 rifle's has not changed over the past 12 months. SOLD Antique: Yes Manufacturer: 526XXX Caliber Info: Not Marked Metal Condition: some minor pitting but has a very nice patina Wood Condition: very good for its age. This is a nice example of the rare Springfield 1884 trapdoor Cadet rifle, the weapon used, in its carbine form, by the troopers of the 7th Cavalry that met their fate at the Battle of Little Big Horn in 1876. The used value of a SPRINGFIELD ARMORY 1884 rifle has fallen 0.00 dollars over the past 12 months to a price of 761.22. caliber is not marked on rifle so we cannot specify. "A" is stamped on the top of the barrel between the rear sight and the receiver, and the Ordnance "V/P/Eagle Head/P" proof and inspection marks are stamped on the left side of the barrel. Springfield 1884 Trapdoor Description: 1884 Springfield Trapdoor rifle is very nice condition for its age. "U.S./MODEL/1884" is stamped in three lines on the top of the breechblock. From - The most updated price guide and makers' marks research onlineOver 17 years of helping our membersresearch their collections & heirlooms.


The serial number is stamped of the rear edge of the receiver. The lock plate is roll-stamped with the Springfield eagle and shield motif followed by "U.S./SPRINGFIELD" in two lines ahead of the hammer. The rifle has the late Buffington folding leaf rear sight adjustable for elevation and windage, lock with three-click tumbler and a grooved trigger. The "low arch" breechblock and barrel tang are color casehardened. The rifle has a blue barrel, ramrod, barrel bands, receiver, lock plate, hammer, trigger guard and buttplate. Model 1884 Trapdoor rifle that was manufactured by the Springfield Armory in 1889.

Springfield 1884 trapdoor value 434288